Mar 6, 2011

Once again

so life for me is way less that what i expect, this year is not going in the right direction for me and i am over the top disappointed with myself and all the stupid slight and foolish mistakes that i have made. i want to just lash out, but @ who no one but myself. at this point in my life i am the only one thats looking out for me and i'm not doing such a good job, i have fallen way below my standards and is dreading the day i rise up from the dumpster i have fallen so deep in.

"When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way." 


Feb 14, 2011

valentines day 2011

Sure I have a post from my previous red and white day but today is jus the worst of all, feeling alone and down, not wat I expected and I hope as I approach the rest of this year which starter really bad, I hope I do more things for that will make me happy as I have no one that is really looking out for me or providing for me or caring for me in the right way, I jus thank God everyday for loving me since its so hard for other ppl to do so. I love you lord jesus my best friend and helper in the time of need.

Happy Valentines Day to all true lovers may this day end with overwhelming love.


Feb 7, 2011

Laughed @ me today :D

Today i laughed at me>>>> sometimes it feels good to express laughter at yourself, it may be something really simple or something difficult nevertheless if u can laugh at yourself, ur not going mad, ur probly jus being u in ur own space.

So since the start of 2011 things haven't been super bright but guess Wat I'm thanking the lord for life as he has been watching over me and protecting me and for that i am more grateful that i would be for anything else in the world. sometimes life is really over bearing and its like being in the middle of a maze with five walls (no way out). I have yet to accomplish many of my goals and have actually now been in a different part of my life that kinda just happened.

I live each day wondering what will transpire 2marrow, i never get too happy these days since thine heart breaks easily, i want to forgive all that has hurt me and i would love to be forgiven for all the hurt that i have caused to anyone.

In other news i need a new job again, seriously my job is wack!! no money or motivation and life gets no easier these days, also would love to relocate from my present residents, its driving me crazy, i have no home sweet home and i long to have such a feeling, no longer am i searching for true love cause i dont think there is a true love as oppose to a dishonest love, we are giving meaning to a word that has just its own relevant meaning to fit which ever situation it falls in.

hopefully i can keep another promise and blog a bit more and as promised before i did post before a whole year past by, so once again i'll try to get back at y'all soon enough. LIVE LOVE AND LAUGH 


Aug 14, 2010

OMG what can i say

Maybe blogging is just not my thing or I'm just lazy and cant bother, life has not been what i thought it would be, alot have changed since the last time i placed fingers to keys and posted an update. OK! not saying i can write everything but since then i have still been in the same job looking forward to school and i am also looking forward to achieve what i set out for, its hard and temptations are everywhere like germs, yes like fucking germs its all over. Hoping that the rest of this year will be absolutely fun and worth living.... sometimes we all just want to be happy but what is true happiness, how can someone who has problems just like the rest of us, tell us how happiness is determined, i think our level of feelings is what determines our happiness and what really makes us happy and not just comfortable. Try doing something u really love as oppose to something that we are comfortable with and u will always want to do what makes u happy. ALWAYS.

In other news, the world continues to deteriorate and for that we must just accept and stop trying to change the way it is because it was predicted and written in stone and if something is pre determined why should we try to change it, its is set to happen and it will, so lets stop acting like we are the almighty God, the most we can do is pray for protection and mercy from God.

Can someone tell me why Jamaica is the one place when u leave u really want to come back. I think its because its so different in like a billion ways, i am a proud Jamaican despite all that is going on.

Anyway i guess this is it till next time, which i will try to make it in less that a year.
